This is the map of the castle. It sits on 13 acres of land. It was built in 1066 and has been the home of 39 monarchs. It was built as a fortress to protect the western side of London. This is Queen Elizabeth's favorite home. She, of course, wasn't in residence when we visited.

This is a corner of the outside wall. The castle sits in the middle of the town and the sidewalk runs right along beside the street into town.

More outside walls.

This is the cathedral - you have to walk quite a ways to get there - all inside the walls. It's just amazing, it's like a city inside the walls. In this cathedral, Henry VIII (my favorite King) was buried. So we got to see his tomb.

Another picture of the cathedral

Some guy was willing to take our picture. DeAne and Grant Bartschi and us. The rest of our group went shopping at a great big mall. But we didn't want to shop when there's a castle to see.

I don't know what this is, but it has a really old date on it. So, I'm into antiquity.

This is called the keep of the castle. And I finally learned what a keep is. It's the last place for a defense. When the walls have been overrun by the enemy, you have this last stronghold to find safety in. It's totally fortified and right in the middle of the castle grounds.

Inside the castle grounds
This is where the guards were posted. They have these all around the outside walls. It's very thick, but I can't remember how thick. The wider part is for the arrows to stick out - but none can get in. Right above this is a walkway where other guards patrolled and threw rocks and whatever down on the enemy.

This is King George IV Gate. On the other side of this gate is where the royal family lives.

Like I said - it's like a city inside the walls.

Another picture of the keep
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