Well, I got the pictures screwed up - so you get our bathroom first. The footstools are blocking the emergency exit door, because we have no room for them any where else. When security finds out, we'll have to change it. Until they leave. You really can't expect me to obey EVERY rule. The shower dribbles out 5 drops at a time. It's an amazing experience. We never have to worry about building up too much steam - the water doesn't get that warm. Oh, home, sweet home.

This is our living space - yes, that's the bed you see - we have, maybe, four feet of space from the end of the bed to the wall. Our computer is where you see the kitchen chair. Every time I need to get into my closet, I have to move the far chair to open the doors. Dad of course, has another closet on the other side of the bed. The chairs really are comfortable and there are footstools to go with them. We just don't have room to keep them with the chairs.

This is where we eat! We get to face a wall and bump knees. When we have company - and we can only have one other couple at a time, we move the table into the center of the kitchen which means we can get four chairs around and grab our food off the stove or counter top - which we can reach without getting up.

Kind of the view from the door - I couldn't get it any better than this - but I'm standing at the door taking this picture.
Oh I love it! He he he! So cozy!