Our children. Part of what we have to leave behind. Their spouses and our 17 grandchildren. Left to right: Melanie Baker, Beth Clark, Kara Ashton, Us, Susan Price, Debbie Carroll and our son Bill.

This is the Provo Temple where we were supposed to have special training, but they are closed for their semi annual three weeks for repair and deep cleaning. So we went today - Monday, July 4th to start our training at the Timpanogas Temple. They opened it especially for those of us who are going on temple missions (temples are all closed on Mondays - and there are twelve people going on temple missions, so we felt very special.) I didn't get a picture of the Timpanogas Temple today, but we will be going there for four more days and I'll get one before we are finished.

Mt. Timpanogas! An awesome and beautiful sight. Believe it or not Bill and I climbed right up to the top (about 40 years ago) and slid down the glacier on the other side. What a place for us to be staying. I love these mountains.

This is Y Mountain - behind the Brigham Young University campus. We (the Missionary Training Center) is a separate campus within the BYU campus and we're right up by the Y. This reminds us of our college days - Bill graduated from here and I'm the longest living senior from BYU.
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